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Ghira - Settled Abroad

"Celestial Crossroads: Ghira's Cosmic Journey to Prosperity in Canada"

  • In the cosmic dance of destiny, the stars had aligned for Ghira and his family as they embarked on a journey to Canada, seeking new opportunities and a promising future. Ghira, a man of distinction, held a prestigious position in a pharmaceutical company, while his wife, blessed with a government job, and their son, completed the picture of a happily well-set family.
  • Their desire to shift to Canada was not a mere whim but a cosmic calling, as revealed by the intricate tapestry of Ghira’s son’s astrological chart. The celestial arrangement hinted at a good yoga. a powerful combination, foretelling the prospect of relocation to the land of the maple leaf. A key aspect in the cosmic puzzle was the positioning of the Lagna lord, the ascending lord, residing in the 11th house at fixed rashi.
  • Traditionally, the fixed rashi can introduce an element of confusion when associated with the Lagna lord. However, Ghira’s astrological configuration took an interesting turn with the 4th lord finding its abode in the 9th house, hosting Arudh lagna in the dual rashi. This dual nature, as uncovered through years of astrological observation and research, became a celestial signpost pointing towards opportunities and growth in Western countries, particularly Canada.
  • Examining the intricate details of the 10th house, a debilitated Sun, paradoxically, bestowed 100% directional strength. Gaj kesari yoga in the 3rd house added another layer to the cosmic design, suggesting abundance and fortune. Yet, the presence of a retrograde Jupiter and Rahu in conjunction with Moon unveiled Grahan yog and Chandal dosha—a cosmic conundrum. However, the birth in the Shukla Trayodashi, under the influence of Jupiter, provided a silver lining.
  • Delving into the realm of Ashtaka Varga, the 27 points in the 10th house emerged as a celestial endorsement of wealth and prosperity. The guiding force of the Atma karak, Jupiter, fortified this cosmic promise. Transitioning to the D10 chart, Rahu’s placement in the 9th house hinted at a fate unfolding beyond the borders of one’s homeland—a prophecy that Ghira and his family would thrive and contribute significantly on foreign soil.
  • With the cosmic energies in alignment, Ghira and his family took the leap, venturing into the unknown of Canada. Presently, the celestial whispers continue to manifest as they settle into their new life, acquiring property, and achieving prosperity. The stars, it seems, had crafted a tale of triumph and growth for Ghira, validating the intricate dance of planets and cosmic forces shaping their destiny in the great expanse of the Canadian landscape.