|| ॐ गं ग्लौं गणपतये विघ्नविनाशने स्वाहा  ||

Yash - Health issue and shifting to abroad

Celestial Chronicles: Navigating Health Horizons in the Canadian Odyssey

  • In the celestial tale of Yash, born under the auspices of a Virgo Lagna, the alignment of Rahu and Mercury in the 10th house ushered in a complex interplay of energies. Surya and Mangal, the guiding lights in this cosmic arrangement, found themselves sharing space with the potent force of Rahu, casting shadows of uncertainty over the 10th house, signaling a journey of highs and lows.
  • Yash’s health, a delicate dance between celestial forces, has been a persistent challenge. Afflicted by Kujastamban bandh yog due to the conjunction of Rahu and Mangal, and the overshadowing influence of Rahu on Mercury, the 10th house faced a clear descent. His struggles manifested in health issues; notably high blood pressure revealed during a medical checkup before he migrated to Canada.
  • The cosmic threads of Yash’s destiny were intricately woven into his desire to venture abroad, symbolized by Ketu in the 4th house and Saturn in the 11th house from Arudha lagna—whispering tales of dreams and aspirations in the Canadian landscape.
  • Settling in Canada, however, proved to be a journey fraught with celestial challenges.

Remedies were sought, and the resonance of mantras echoed in the form of a gold Ganesh pendant

  • a celestial shield to stabilize the fluctuating energies. Yet, the cosmic winds were not always favorable.
  • During Saturn’s Mahadasha in Libra, Yash encountered an unexpected twist in his health saga. The debilitated Saturn, ruling muscles, and Surya, governing bones, played a cosmic symphony as Yash slipped on the snowy Canadian streets, leading to a complete breakdown of muscles. Medical astrology unfolded its wisdom, and surgeries became necessary for muscle repair.
  • Undeterred, Yash sought solace in the ancient vibrations of Mitrunjaya mantras, invoking celestial healing energies.

To fortify his Lagna house, he adorned himself with a Mercury emerald stone—a celestial amulet grounding him amidst the cosmic turbulence.

  • The journey of Yash, marked by Canada’s calling and celestial health trials, continues to unfold. Each chapter, a testament to the intricate dance of planets and destiny. The resonance of mantras, the celestial pendant, and the emerald stone are guardians, guiding him through the celestial currents of life’s odyssey in the Great White North.